Welcome. I'm Benjamin Diven and I'm inviting you to have a great reading experience in Closing the Chasm: letters from a bipolar physician to his son. On a short list, I'm a person, a husband, a father, and a physician. Closing the Chasm is a unique collection of fifty letters written to my oldest son Matt that describe the many events that shaped my life with bipolar disorder. Each letter is a self-contained vignette that engages in, informs about, explains, and illuminates an experience. The letters serve to bring the life of a person with bipolar disorder to a human level. Closing the Chasm as a whole tells a story of a major mental disorder from its onset to its stabilization many decades later. The story includes many individuals, therapists, medications, and almost divine interventions. Closing the Chasm is a good read that will captivate a wide range of readers with an interest in biography, mental illness, family life, therapy, struggles of the soul, and many triumphs in the sight of overwhelming odds. It is illustrated with contemporaneous photographs throughout. Please read on.